Monday, March 5, 2012

Essential Oil Spritz for the Dog!

Did you know that you can use essential oils on your dog? Essential oil solutions (and sometimes direct use) can treat issues like itchy skin, nervousness, and fleas! I am so glad to have an alternative to using chemicals if I don't have to!

My Yorkshire terrier DJ, who happens to be rather high strung, has terribly itchy skin. I can't say for sure if it is because of his diet, his age, nerves or what but I do know I want to help him. I can be pretty sure that if I brought him to the vet, the vet would say, "cortisone" which if absolutely necessary is nice to have, but it's not my first choice of treatment.

I have made a spritz for DJ containing lavender and eucalyptus with a few drops of peppermint. Lavender is calming and acts as a mild sedative. DJ could use that. It has anti-itch qualities and is a good antiseptic. Eucalyptus is an anti-inflammatory and it repels fleas (and kills dust mites)! It's not flea season yet, but it's good to be prepared  and I certainly have known a flea or two to sneak in during the winter! Peppermint also helps repel fleas and it's good for improving circulation.

Does your dog itch? Is he nervous? Does he attract fleas?  Lavender and Eucalyptus might be the natural way to help without the use of steroid medicine or chemicals.

If you want me to make up a mister for your dog with Eucalyptus and Lavender, I can do that!
I gave DJ his bath today and gave him a good spritz. He smells wonderfully of lavender and fresh eucalyptus!

Another really good thing is that this combination makes a great deodorizer for the dog bed or wherever the dear little canine sleeps! So the bedding will smell good, repel fleas AND calm the dog!

Thanks for reading My Two Scents!


PS Want to read more? Here's an article

 “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
Winston S. Churchill

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