Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lavender Essential Oil Mist

It was the summer I married off my first-born and I was physically and emotionally spent as I processed all the changes in my life that blessed event brought. I was visiting my friend Karen, co-owner of Roark's Garden Center, when  I broke off a small piece of lavender as I passed through the perennial herbs in her garden.

 I found myself walking around with it and repeatedly inhaling the amazing scent and truly experiencing that calming action that Lavender is so known for! I kept it in my hand the rest of the evening while I visited. Truly it was JUST what I needed! ( besides the timeless gift of friendship that brings it's own priceless healing.) It was then that I realized the therapeutic value of Lavender and have since grown it in my own garden for it's beauty as a plant and so that I can pick my own to inhale any time I want!

My mom always sprinkled a little lavender on our pillows every time she changed our sheets when we were kids.  I thought she was just making our pillows smell good! Little did I know she was actually helping us settle down for the night.

 Research has proven that Lavender does produce a calming, sedative affect when it is inhaled. It is often used to help with insomnia, depression, anxiety and fatigue which makes it a perfect essential oil to use in the evening after a tough day of living.  Lavender is another one of God's amazing gifts to us to help aide and comfort us on our way!

I make my Lavender mists with either Lemongrass or Spearmint. Lemongrass also has calming and revitalizing qualities. Spearmint is calming, relaxing as well as uplifting. Both of them compliment the use of Lavender and I think you would enjoy either combination!

Two Scents Essential Oil Mists

Lavender and Turner
(Herbal, 1545)
"I judge that the flowers of lavender quilted in a cappe and dayly worn are good for all diseases of the head that come of a cold cause and that they comfort the braine very well."

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